Becoming a Latina entrepreneur is a daunting task. It’s even harder when the majority of people making it happen don’t look like you. Where do you go for guidance? Successful business people usually have the support and guidance of those who have garnered success before them. Latinas entering the business world need that too.
Do you want to learn from Latinas who have made it to the top of their respective fields? Want to be inspired by their journey and pick up some essential tips and tricks on how to be a successful businesswoman? Then you’ll definitely want to pick up these seven business and career books written by Latina entrepreneurs.
Self-Made: Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant, And Rich In Every Way

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Self Made: Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant, and Rich in Every Way, by Nely Galán
Nely Galán is one of the first names that pop up when talking about successful Latina entrepreneurs. She was the President of Entertainment at Telemundo, becoming the first Latina to be president of a major network. The also television producer and real estate investor gives back what she has learned by empowering Latinas through her speaking engagements, nonprofit The Adelante Movement, and New York Times bestselling book, Self Made. In it, she shares empowering tips, such as “think like an immigrant.”
Jefa In Training: The Business Startup Toolkit For Entrepreneurial and Creative Women

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Jefa in Training: The Business Startup Toolkit for Entrepreneurial and Creative Women, by Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda
Do you wish there was someone to help guide you on your entrepreneurial path from the beginning? Then check out business development coach and strategist Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda’s book Jefa in Training. Described as “the only Spanglish project-launching toolkit and planner,” this book will help you set the groundwork to get your business started. You’ll also be inspired by the stories of several Latinas who were at the same starting point and made it happen.
Thriving Latina Entrepreneurs In America

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Thriving Latina Entrepreneurs in America, by Maria de Lourdes Sobrino
Another Latina-penned book to pick up for “I’m the boss” inspiration is Maria de Lourdes “Lulu” Sobrino’s Latina Entrepreneurs in America. In it, the founder and CEO of Lulu’s Dessert Corporation, and speaker, shares her own entrepreneurial story, alongside the stories of several other Latina entrepreneurs who made strides in the business world.
The Virtuous Circle

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The Virtuous Circle: Restore Your Confidence, Bounce Back, and Emerge Stronger, by Gaby Natale
You’ve most likely heard of Gaby Natale. The entrepreneur and journalist has won three Emmys, shared her knowledge and experience as a speaker, and penned a bestselling book entitled The Virtuous Circle. If you need inspiration on how to make it to the top of the industry you’re in, you’ll find it within its pages, not only from Gaby herself, but from her interviews with other successful people including Carlos Santana and Deepak Chopra.
I Have What It Takes: Stories and Principles That Will Ignite Your Natural Leadership Today

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I Have What it Takes: Stories and Principles That Will Ignite Your Natural Leadership Today, by Martha Hernandez, Estela Lopez, Andrea Guendelman, Flor Melara, Marilu Gonzalez, Miroslaba Velo-Egonmwan, and Olvidilio Vasquez
know, deep down inside, if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. But, often, you’ll need to reinforce that feeling with the words of people who have been to where you want to go. The book I Have What it Takes brings together the stories of various Latinxs who didn’t let obstacles get in their way of success. They believed that they could, so they did. Because si se puede!
Latina Empowerment Through Leadership: Mindful Stories From Inspiring Women

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Latina Empowerment Through Leadership: Mindful Stories from Inspiring Women, by Catherine Munoz Garces, Monica Rivera, Lizzet Monet Morales, Celia Garcia, Veronica Corona, Roxana Damas, Maggie Antillon Matthews, and Jennifer Ibarra
Perseverance is a necessary part of success. You have to know how to pivot from failure to make your business a reality. And to know that moments of failure will happen. The book Latina Empowerment Through Leadership warns readers:
“If you’re looking for a book about how to get your next promotion or become a so-called leader in the workplace, well this is NOT that book. But, if you’re looking for a book about courage and struggle, about rising from the ashes of failure, about stepping into your power as a woman and a leader, then THIS book is for you.”
La Vida Rica

Photo: Amazon
La Vida Rica By Yrma Rico and Nancy Garascia
If you are a career or entrepreneurial maven, and in need of inspiration and actionable steps to succeed while bringing your Latinidad authentically, then La Vida Rica is for you. Here is what a reader had to say – “La Vida Rica by Yrma Rico truly embodies the way Latinas can succeed in life and in the job industry. She gives personal experiences of her journey in the business world as well as her personal life. Her blunt but yet humorous approach to tips, makes readers truly enjoy this book.”