Why Getting Fired Could Be The Best Thing Ever

Congratulations! Your Job Loss Could Be The Kick In The Pantalones You Needed

No es bueno? Or Is it? It’s one of those experiences that makes you feel like an utter failure and the last paycheck away, then, having to apply and wait for that unemployment check, that’s if you qualify, right. It sucks, BIG TIME.

BUT hear us out.  You just got to get past that REJECTION and sense of loss – financially. Getting fired might be the best thing that could have ever happened to you.

Think about it.

So here are the top reasons for why your nalgas was given the boot:

  • The boss is an idiot (notice we bold this one…hee hee)
  • You were miserable anyways – being unmotivated leads to low performance. Your happiness comes first!
  • Your complacent and not growing or hitting it in high gear
  • The company isn’t doing so well, they are cutting loose ends
  • Then there is stuff that has nothing to do with you like the market, industry changes, restructuring or reorganization

As for some of the above, you are better off. As for the personal at-fault, well, it’s an opportunity to learn, gain wisdom, and ultimately improve your position.

So don’t feel entirely sorry for yourself, eh?!

There have been plenty of high profile peeps from Oprah to Steve Jobs who have gotten the boot!

“Think like a queen, a queen is not afraid to fail.” Oprah Winfrey

So here are 5 key takeaways from losing your jobby job:

  • Reality is going to kick you in the pantalones – there will be “bumps in the road”
  • Behind most successful people are moments of failure, loss of opportunity and self.
  • Learn from losing big.
  • Let a job loss drive what is burning inside of you – what’s that fire in your belly?
  • Have a side hustle, this could be your opportunity to grow it?! Or start one to hedge you from any financial disruptions, eh!
  • When you’ve hit rock bottom, you have no other option but to go up.

When was the last time you got fired and was it a blessing in disguise? Tell Us.