TIME'S UP Makes A Hollywood Power Move Against Sexual Harassment
2017 was definitely the year of much needed call outs of sexual harassment and abuse by ‘too many high power men’ in the Hollywood, media and technology industries, and the reckoning shall continue.
It’s no secret, that women have been at the forefront of many movements in the past and most recent, the #MeToo and Women’s March nearly one year ago in 2017, made an impact of awareness to combat the mistreatment, abuses, inequality towards our gender. As a result, the whole world took notice and we are seeing incremental fundamental changes from government interaction all the way up to the corporate tower, where accountability and harassment/abuse policies have received scrutiny and much needed overhauls. The needle moved, but more work to be done, right?
Women make lots of noise and WE, take action.
“No more waiting”
TIME’S UP makes a ‘power move’ like no other. Powered by women for women. TIME’S UP leadership is led by Anita Hill a U.S. Attorney, who is no stranger to the social issue of harassment when her claim against Justice Clarence Thomas flipped Capital Hill on its head and made national news. Anita Hill along with over 300 influential women in film, television and theatre have come together in solidarity (read the letter) to leverage their influential privilege and platform to support and give ‘voice’ to woman everywhere, especially blue collar women workers, from the farm fields to factories, who essentially are the backbone of our economy.
Members of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas is an organization comprised of current and former farm
Photo Credit: Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
worker women, and women who hail from farm workers’ families have an honorable mention in the TIME’S Up letter. As you may remember, 700,000 Latina farm workers signed a letter first, of solidarity to the women and men in Hollywood who came forward with their experiences of sexual harassment and assault in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Many of those Latinas also marched at the ‘Take Back The Workplace’ march in Los Angeles in November 2017.
A subsidized legal defense fund where one can donate has been set up to aid sexual harassment and assault victims who experience these acts at the workplace and Know Your Rights guide and Where To Get Help.