Aging has been one of the main topics of interest in recent centuries. This inevitable process has led many people, especially women, to try to hide the passage of time through beauty treatments and surgeries. While many of these offer favorable results, the reality is that the process of staying youthful is exhausting and stressful. Today, there is a pro-age movement which seeks to challenge time and rewrite the rules of aging by allowing people to live their mature years with respect and self-love. The race is no longer against time for Latinas over 40 or Latinas over 50 who are leading a pro-age movement; on the contrary, these Latina entrepreneurs are embracing the passing of the years and living them in a fun, energizing, and glamorous way.

For generations, many women hid their age, almost as if it were a shameful secret. Do you remember when asking a woman how old she was was considered disrespectful? This idea, fueled by biases that linked a woman’s age with a loss of value, trapped many in a limited and outdated model where looking older meant feeling older. Turning 50 meant cutting your hair, wearing dark colors, dressing in loose clothing, and looking like an abuelita.  

While we all love our abuelitas, Latinas have made a giant leap in how they embrace maturity and the changes it brings. Latinas over 50 are celebrating "cincuentañeras," adopting healthy beauty routines, shifting toward a positive mindset, and experiencing menopause as a natural and enriching process that allows them to build a new, empowering narrative of what ‘being 50’ means to them.

We invite you to meet these Latinas who are inspiring others to embrace every stage of their lives with pride and joy. These Latinas over 50 are no longer ‘aging gracefully’ the ultimate glow up is showing up as they are - bold and glamourous.

Cincuentañera: How Latinas Over 50 Are Turning 50 in Style and Breaking Traditions


#cincuentanera #50 #princessforaday

♬ original sound - Crocsgal

Many Latinas over 40 and into their 50s’ are rewriting their story by celebrating their 50th birthdays like quinceañeras. This new trend, called "cincuentañera," rivals the quinceañera parties in style. In fact, it’s the perfect time to celebrate all the achievements made after 35 years of becoming “women”. These celebrations are more common in the Latina communities of Texas and California.

Although social media has helped share this new trend as something innovative, professor and author Norma E. Cantú, an expert on Latino traditions in the U.S., points out that the celebration of cincuentañeras began in Texas during the 1990s.

“It’s a way to celebrate life,” Cantú explained, highlighting how these parties reflect gratitude and a celebration of women’s achievements.

The professor hosted her own cincuentañera in 1997, inviting 49 madrinas who wore colorful rebozos, reflecting a connection to Mexican culture.

“It’s about marking your own journey, your own path,” Cantú said.

Mexican-American entrepreneur Emily Robinson founded, an online store selling personalized items to make these parties a dream come true. The business has been well-received on the East Coast, though she initially expected her main market to be California.

“For me, it’s a celebratory moment. It shouldn’t be somber. It should be fun,” Emily said.


Celebrating my mom's 50th birthday 🥰❤️#cincuentañera #birthday #50thbirthday #momanddad #family couplegoalsVideo by @terrymyersenterta

♬ Isn't She Lovely - Anthem Lights

Becoming 50, is a new rite of passage which everyone will eventually experience, which makes having Latina influencers on the interwebs even more important. Inspirational Latina beauty influencers like Claudia Fabian are representing!

Claudia Fabian: The Latina Beauty Influencer Redefining Glam Over 50

Claudia Fabian is a trailblazer with more than 30 years in the beauty industry. This Latina was recently chosen as one of the Top Latina Influencers by Feedspot and is, in fact, the only influencer over 50.

In 2021, Claudia made the bold decision to let her hair go gray, challenging industry norms and beauty standards. With her voluminous gray mane and glamorous style, this Latina has built an audience with whom she shares makeup tutorials, fashion tips, and a new philosophy on aging: “Glamour never expires.” Claudia encourages women to embrace the natural beauty that comes with age and to look fabulous regardless of the years.

At 55, Claudia advocates for greater inclusion, urging beauty brands to represent women over 40 as they truly are and to rethink messaging that often stigmatizes aging. Additionally, the influencer actively collaborates with brands and organizations dedicated to fostering equity and increasing the representation of Latinas.


Thanks to her experience as a makeup artist and esthetician, this Latina has won the hearts of her 220,000 Instagram followers. Additionally, through her podcast also titles The Beauty Debut she launched in 2020 and episodes are still up for the listen. She offers an honest look at the beauty industry, exploring its achievements, challenges, and complexities as a mature woman on all her channels.

“This absurdity of preventing wrinkles must end,” Fabian asserts.

Her mission not only aims to inspire change in the industry but also to empower women to feel confident at any age. In her live streams, you see a powerful and authentic woman who inspires Latinas to feel proud of their age and look radiant.

La Vida Con Rhina: Beauty, Confidence, and Life 


Advice after 50! #over50 #ladiesover50 #fyp #foryoupage #midlifewomen #womenover50 #thisis53 #lifeafter50 #womenover50 #over50crew

♬ snowfall - Øneheart & reidenshi

This 53-year-old Latina influencer shows how to face life as a mature woman. Her first videos were posted in 2020, where she shared everyday makeup tutorials, fantasy looks, and skincare tips. By 2021, her audience began to grow, with her makeup and hairstyling content gaining more and more views.

Rhina encourages women to dress well, wear jewelry, put on makeup, and walk out into the world victorious, regardless of what others say. The influencer explains that life doesn’t always go as expected, but the attitude with which you face each day makes a difference. She also shares tips for achieving goals, such as writing them down, setting a date, and tracking progress.

As we support Latinas over 50 with bold voices like Claudia Fabian and La Vida Con Rhina, we’re not just embracing a trend we’re building a community that uplifts and inspires Latinas to love every stage of their lives. Because beauty isn’t tied to youth it’s found in the stories, strength, and spirit we carry at every age.

So whether you’re planning your own cincuentañera or simply stepping into your power with a glow up and glamour, remember: the best is yet to come.

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