How the Women of 'Coco' Woke My Broken Heart

Reader Submission by Rocio L. 

You would never expect a single woman, a ‘childless’ single woman to go see Disney/Pixar’s ‘Coco‘. A look around the theater, it was apparent…families. Lots of familia vibes. As a woman in Hollywood, a Latina working in the industry, I had to represent – my culture was going to be on the big screen!

Coco’ is the story of 12-year old Miguel who has a dream to become a musician just like his great, great grandfather. With his guitar always in hand, songs like “Recuerdame/Remember Me” sung by Miguel and his abuelita, Mamá Coco, will pull hard on the heart strings. Miguel also comes to know his great, great grandmother Mamá Imelda and his also deceased, Tía Rosita.

Coco brought the tear factory on, but I cried through out the movie, why? I was getting embarassed until it was obvious, the movie is sentimental and other movie going fans cried also! Obvious, the entire movie resonated, however there was something else. So I dug deeper within myself, it was a theme in ‘Coco‘ that really isn’t obvious to others, it did trigger an ache, a pain in me. If my mother and my abuelita were to see ‘Coco‘ one day, the less than obvious theme of ‘abandonment and betrayal’ by men in a patriarchal society would of resonated…deeply, too. The long, lost loves in our lives. Interestingly enough, Miguel wanted to be like his great grandfather (who left his wife and family to pursue his music.) It plays out…with that intergenerational drama/telenovela we all have in our lives.

It had been seven years, I learned that I was not completely healed from my heart break, a children-targeted animated film could bring out the hurt in an adult mujer – this was the best therapy EVER and I only paid $14 for it…darn, Disney! Kidding aside, here’s to our abuelas, tias and of course, mamás who stayed strong and sometimes single, to raise us.