One of the most important things you can learn is how to manage your finances. How to get started, the best places to invest your money, and how to make your initial investment reap rewards. Unfortunately, Latinxs are often not armed with these financial tools, that would position them to increase their net worth and earn money without much effort. It’s time for that to change and what better way than to learn than from Latina Instagram accounts!

Luckily, there are many Latinxs who have been creating these spaces in which other Latinxs can learn all about money and how to make theirs increase without much effort. And they have a presence on Instagram, where you can learn about things like stocks while seeing what your friends are up to on the daily. At BoldLatina, we want you to know about these money resources, and then pay it forward with your network, so we are sharing 5 Latina Instagram accounts that will teach you about finances.



The first of Latina Instagram accounts we are profiling for Latina money moves is @economikat. Created by Afro-Latina money expert Katia Chesnok, it will teach you things like where to work for a side hustle, how to save money during grocery shopping, and what credit cards offer the best cash back perks. Katia, who has also shared her financial advice with CNBC and Acorns, paid off a debt of over $38,000 and saved $100,000, and is showing you how you can do the same. 


The next Latina money expert you should follow on Instagram is Jully-Alma Taveras. The person behind @investinglatina is a money expert, facilitator and speaker at Google and Nasdaq, award-nominated YouTuber, and writer for HuffPost and NextAdvisor, who shares her knowledge on finances on her Instagram profile. Some of the topics covered are real estate, questions about investing, retirement, small financial wins, and credit. 


Paying off a lot of debt takes a lot of discipline, organization, and money know-how. Lawyer Cindy Zuniga of @zerobasedbudget did just that, cancelling out a whopping $214,000 in student-loan debt in just four years. She is paying it forward by sharing what she knows through her Zero-Based Budget Coaching LLC, and it’s corresponding Instagram account. 


We all want more money, just like Jennifer Lopez and Cardi B said in the song, “Yo Quiero Dinero.” The catchy declaration has become a platform for personal finance for Latinas, created by Puerto Rican Jannese Torres-Rodriguez. She is a financial activist and educator, who has shared her knowledge with CNBC and NextAdvisor, and has been nominated twice for a Plutus Award. You can learn from her financial expertise also by tuning in to her Yo Quiero Dinero Podcast, and it’s Instagram profile. 


Money coach. Speaker. Lawyer. Delyanne Barros wears all these hats and uses her expertise on finances to help Latinxs on her Instagram profile @delyannethemoneycoach. There, you’ll learn about money tips through fun TikTok/Instagram videos, be able to sign up for a guided weeks-long course, check out IG lives that explain topics like 401ks/403(b)s, buy an Investment Accelerator and more.

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